Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Scrabble anyone?

Anyone fancy a game of online scrabble? Register at www.Scrabulous.com and I'll set up a game

Friday, 23 November 2007

Friday, 16 November 2007


we are ofskie tomorrow on our hols - I still have no idea where we are off to and am very excited. What a fab boyfriend I have. We will see y'all when we are back. Mum and Dad have a fab time in tenereeefeee. love y'allA & A xxx

Thursday, 15 November 2007

random update

made chocolate mouse today from scratch! was good
didnt quite melt all the ingredients properly but i think it gave it an interesting twist

sponsered walk across the forth road bridge tomorrow for children in need! then off to have lunch after. what better way to spend an inservice day! homework? dont think so hehe

ohh yeah! passed my maths test and got an A for my english essay =]
good week

Saturday, 10 November 2007

My Art

My Teacher Said It Wasnt Good =[

Somehow I Dont Quite Agree With Her

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

The Birds

I remember when we were driving up from Barrow to Dunfermline and just at the Scottish border we nearly had to pull over in wonder at the patterns in the sky. It was a truly beautiful site.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

I am the luckiest woman in the world!

The biggest thank you to everyone!
I am completely in love with it.
I really cant say enough thankyous.

I am th nbbn

Friday, 2 November 2007

Thursday, 1 November 2007


Just in from work and exhastimicated! Not had a wee drinkie all week, whats that aboot?

30 - 15

So, week 3 and our usual instructor couldn't make it so the session was taken by someone new. He basically told us that we were all using the wrong grip and our technique was bobbins so after 20minutes of warm up exercises, which included throwing and catching balls using your hands!! (mum - you would have enjoyed watching me attempt that!), we had our forehands reconstructed. No serving, no back hand, no fun game at the end....

Frustrating at first, it ended up being a really good session - mostly it was about him hitting a ball to us and us returning it before joinign the end of the line, over and over and so you could eventually see everyone's progression. It also sowed the seeds of dissent for next week.... blimey!