Wednesday, 17 December 2008


I got into Edinburgh Uni!!!! :)
That has made my Christmas

Monday, 15 December 2008

oh my god i cant believe it i've never been this

hot before......the heating has landed...we are officially sweating


Wednesday, 10 December 2008


The Christmas Festival has finally arrived (:
School has the tree up, into the advent calendar, school dance is on tuesday, looking all wintery, christmas songs are being sung...... its beginning to look a lot like christmas (:

Happy Holidays (:


Sunday, 30 November 2008

The Petrie Press Christmas Party

Hello All,
As the festive period is creeping on us again, can we try to confirm a date and time for the Petrie Press Christmas Party? Perhaps suggestions of who is bringing what food?

Thursday, 27 November 2008

e-mail city

You may be aware that we have been in Paisley today fixing up Louise with some sort of e-mail facility. She can now send and receive e-mail at

try it out !!

Wednesday, 26 November 2008


there are some radiators on our walls - albeit with no heat coming from it wrong to be excited by such things?

Monday, 17 November 2008



Thursday, 13 November 2008

what is it with me and cars at the moment?

so, i was driving from coventry to loughborough this lunchtime and i got a puncture on the motorway! Had to pull over and wait for the AA halfway up a muddy embankment in the wet and the wild. Lovely man (like the advert!) and he changed my tyre in a jiffy.

now on my 2nd coffee to warm up again!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008


Bet you didn't know that I am currently 17,857th in this month's Fantasy Football - just thought I would spread it around a bit!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 4 November 2008


I have really cool new glasses!

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Never mind Christmas

bring on the 20th!

i miss everyone!!

Booooo... sideswiped on a roundabout last night and my little car is all beat up! I'm fine (currently on hold with my insurers) and the guy who hit me is taking responsibility. My poor car though...

Saturday, 11 October 2008


How about we have a family christmas party at mums on 20th dec while moi and andi are here?

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Stupendous Show

How about those fantastic twins ? They were simply amazing !
They absolutely stole the show. No, I am not biased - well, not very !

Well done, girls.

Monday, 6 October 2008

Our friends the Petri's (Stu & Jill)

had a wee boy, Lucas, on Thursday....well not so wee - 9lb 1 and 60 cm long. Bit of a difficult birth but they are doing well and should have gotten home today. He is adorable.

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Fusion Show


The whole thing starts as of tomorrow (this is obviously not counting the many many rehersals lol) but i hope you all enjoy it and love me and bethan (: "the Twins"

Love you all Hope you are all well and happy (:


Saturday, 4 October 2008

What's up ?

Everybody seems to have gone very quiet for some time. Something we said ?

Wednesday, 1 October 2008


A little bird told me that I am having everybody for Christmas this year please let me know if this it true as I only have 10 weeks to get ready and at my age that takes a lot of prep

Luv you all


Sunday, 21 September 2008

Talking of pictures. . .

Perhaps a wee picture of the Relay for Life could be added to the blog? AND our parentos at their ball in their refinery????

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

its so lovely, its so lovely

its so lovely, its so lovelyyyyyyyy

Al and I can confirm that the new Petrie-Scothern bathroom is fab and totally rocks. Well worth it.

Saturday, 6 September 2008


ok, so the plumber can't come back until Monday. I'm off to Lancaster on Sunday for our annual conference so fingers AND toes crossed that it's all done when I get back on Tuesday night

Monday, 1 September 2008

Pepe le pew!

Our bathroom trauma should be resolved this week - fingers crossed. The kitchen sink just isn't my style!!

Wednesday, 13 August 2008


P and I have seen the light and it has changed our lives forever!!...................

Friday, 8 August 2008

check this out
i have just booked this for david, tom, linda, pat, jack and me!
we are going in november.

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Short but sweet

Just a wee note to say that I had a fabulous time over the weekend. It was lovely to see you all (although I missed those I didn't see - you know who you are!). Andi and I are up again around 18th August so hopefully we can get together around then too


Wednesday, 16 July 2008


We have finally received our mortgage offer - lets hope things are still on track.....
Move out Thursday 24th and hand over keys Friday 25th
Get keys for new hoose (all being well) Tuesday 29th and move stuff in from Wednesday 30th.

And I am right busy at work - also down to Sussex this weekend for a party.


Friday, 4 July 2008


Wey Hey !! I have just won my first compertitive game of bools - ever !!

Well, OK there were three of us but I did play my part.

Maybe I should give up that other stupid game ! On second thoughts, came home from Burntisland yesterday laden with freebies AND prizes.

Thursday, 26 June 2008


So far in class i have....
90% In my First Test
B+ For My First Picture
A For My Evaluation Slideshow =)

Think I might enjoy this class =)

Monday, 23 June 2008

New Hoose

Annamaria - how's the house purchase going?

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Art =]

Hannah's Time Table for 6th Year =]

Free (Study)
Adv Art
Art Folio

That will be great
I also have my own wall, with pics on it (well soon will have) and 4 of us share 2 insperation walls (new idea) On My wall im having auntie annes work up =]

Your my insperation aswell =]


Welcome to House of Fun

so, how is the Kingdom of Hell, ladies?

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

is it a sweet or???

i made meringues for pudding on Sunday....mmmmmmm

Monday, 9 June 2008

Back to school

Officially 6th years now!
First day back was good, i get to start the week with a double free on a monday morning :)

The process for applying to uni has already started, with the writing of personal statements and arranging references from teachers.

I think it's about time for the summer holidays (hehe)

Bethan xxxx

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Missing you already!

Thanks for popping down to see us B&H and petrie parents. I really enjoyed your visit - hope you have recovered from the mouse fright!

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Easter Road

hey - check out our flat on the ESPC website:

Friday, 23 May 2008

A big Happy 1st Birthday to Maia!

I know P cant get access to the blod but I thought I would post Happy Birthdaywishes anyway
Jen x

Thursday, 22 May 2008


.....I've got a poorly cold - poo

Sunday, 18 May 2008


how are the exams going, ladies?

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Study Leave

Had our last day of 5th year today.
Study leave starts tomorrow and the first exam is monday.

Can't wait till the 30th -when the last exam finishes then we can go visit moi and andy! =]

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Web Page

Am I alone in not being too enamoured of the new design of the Blog ?????
Hi All
See there is no comment about dads new toy

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Duke Street Garage

We are now the owners of 3 cars. We have just taken delivery of a 2 litre automatic VW Passat. Well, OK, it has a Skoda badge on it. Anybody know of anyone who is looking for a nice Nissan Primera ?


any one fancy a pied-a-terre in Edinburgh?

It worked!

I dont want to make a big issue bout it but after some health issues I started to eat fishes earlier this year. The plan has worked and today I was able to give blood without having it checked first or refused!!!!!!!!

Monday, 5 May 2008


Hey evrybody.
Thank you all for the good wishes, cards and pressies (and babysitting) on my birthday. i've had a really good day and it is all appreciated.
Thanks again :-)

Monday, 28 April 2008

new job!

in need of a new job

we went in today to be told that as of next week we no longer have fixed hours!
having none of that so looking for something with more stability

work is stupid!

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Relay for life

Hi Guys
we are putting a team together for this years relay. Its on 23/24th Aug at Dalgety Bay. If you want to join us let me know asap. I will need entry money soon £10.

Saturday, 19 April 2008


Bethan and granny here.

Grandad and mum (carol) have had some wine + wine
So you can tell what they are like now.

Granny doing the driving.

We all say hi!


Saturday, 12 April 2008

I Pretty Much Have A Fringe!!!!!

OMG not a proper one a short side one lol but still i have it lol
big step for hannah =]
I like it =]
Bethan has pretty hair too =]
She got her hair cut shorter

Thumbs up to the Smith Twins =]

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Andrew Swam!!

Andrew managed to swim (well float really) and jump in with arm bands on. He was really chuffed and big achievement as he doesnt even normally like getting his hair wet!!
J x

New Look ?!?

Is this a new design? Was that Miss Hannah?


Well, andy's dad was back in Leicester yesterday to meet with his surgeon. Everything went well with the operation and his back is healing well - the surgeon advised that the tumour they removed showed that he has lymphoma (which is cancer of the lymphatic system) and he will be referred to a haematologist to discuss treatment. It is most likely that this will be radiotherapy, given the local nature of the tumour. There are no secondary tumours and the orginal one hasn't spread so that's great news.

So, the focus is back on gaining strength in his legs and getting back to walking. He is having some trouble with his balance at the moment - his brain isn't talking so well to his ankles! But the physio (Stefan the scot!) is a genius apparently so all is looking well.

Still no idea when he will be home though.... as always, small steps!!

Monday, 7 April 2008

Hannah's Art

Please feel free to leave comments as it will help
I havn't finished then 100% but feedback always helps =]
Try not to be too mean lol

Saturday, 5 April 2008

I laughed! I cried!

We went to see Son of Rambow last night - it was ace! Thoroughly recommended by the petrie-scotherns

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Good news and crossed fingers

Andy's dad is taking tentative steps now which is great news. He seems to think he can run a marathon tomorrow(!) but he is getting stronger every day. We're making plans to bring him home in the next few days, where he can hopefully get some uninterrupted sleep and home visits from the physio. The results from the biopsy should be in next week - the oncologist seems to think that the tumour is benign but the surgeon isn't convinced.

A long road ahead but it seems brighter this week

thanks to you all for all your kind thoughts and messages - the petrie-scotherns really appreciate all your support


Thursday, 20 March 2008


dear all

thanks for all your texts yesterday - sorry I haven't had a chance to answer them yet.

Well, the operation went well and the metal plate is in. The surgeon managed to remove most of the tumour, which has been sent for investigation. He said that in his experience it is likely to be malignant but it may take up to 20 days before they can confirm anything. The oncologist is coming to see Graham today.

They are going to try to get him up and about today - from the bed to the chair and perhaps even a walk, depending on how things go. He's regaining some feeling and movement in his legs, which is a good sign. And, he finally managed to get some sleep! yay!

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

We are back !

We arrived home safe and sound this morning having had a wonderful time. Totally relaxed but perhaps some liver damage !!

Sunday, 16 March 2008

needing positive thoughts......

dear all

as you probably know, andy's dad has been in hospital. Turns out he has a tumour on his spine, which has caused some nerve damage. He's going to have an operation on tuesday to put a metal plate into his spine to release the nerve and to check out the tumour as well as any nerve damage. The doc says there's a 70% chance he will be able to walk after, which is pretty positive I think. All prayers and happy thoughts would be most welcome.

I'll update you after tuesday


Friday, 14 March 2008

course choices for S6

if i get my 5 highers this year then..

higher business management and german
advanced chemistry and music

Also, went to careers convention at school and decided i don't really fancy studying law anymore.
Accountany, business and german at edinburgh?

Bethan xxx

Thursday, 13 March 2008

bathroom blues

i'm off out to look for a new bathroom! first we had a leak through the ceiling, from the overflow on the cold water tank in the loft and then (the same day actually!) we noticed a damp patch on the stair wall and water dripping into the understairs toilet. The overflow pipe from our toilet is also leaking. Sigh! I booked two plumbers and they BOTH turned up! Go figure!

Any design concepts most welcome.....

hope you all are well

Friday, 7 March 2008

Just to let you know that dad is like a child waiting for santa. He has ants in his pant, so exceited See you when we get home missing you all already


We are all packed and ready to go. We are just waiting for the Taxi to take us to Glasgow airport.
We are off to spend your inheritance !!!!!!!!!!


Friday, 15 February 2008

Booked it! Packed it!

Just to let you all know that we've just booked our summer holiday - YAY! Off to Lunigiana, Tuscany at the end of June for a week.

Friday, 8 February 2008

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Thursday, 24 January 2008


Have they pulled the plug, now ?

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Holly bags

Well, we have gone and done it. We have booked our holidays in Florida. We fly out of Glasgow on Saturday 8th March at 09:40 and arrive back in Glasgow on Wednesday 19th March at 07:10. Ten days is about right ! We have taken a fly/drive option but, if anything happens that we can't stay with Ray and Mae, we will go anyway and get accommodation somehow.

Even Granny's elastic pension couldn't stretch to cover this so we are spending some of your inheritance.

We ahve no idea yet how we are going to get to and from Glasgow.

Won't be able to sleep for days, now !!!!!

Sunday, 20 January 2008

Detox Update

After 2 weeks of the detoxI have lost 14Ilbs. The start of a complete new year and new me. Another 14Ilbs to go before 20th Feb for the first show.
Signed David. Forgot my login.

Friday, 18 January 2008

feed the world

go to this site -

Click on the answer that best defines the word.
If you get it right, you get a harder word.
If wrong, you get an easier word.
For each word you get right, they donate 20 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Program.


I feel yreally yucky :-(

Monday, 14 January 2008


Al and I have tiled our kitchen - check us.


I know I know it is toooo early but I thought I would put forward a proposal for Christmas this year. I have heard through the Petrie grapevine (but not the Petrie Press!!!) that Dad is looking for a full on Petrie Christmas extravaganza this year. So what about if we do a secret santa? We pull a name out of a hat and get 1 good pressie for them (maybe £30?) - thoughts?

Friday, 11 January 2008

Help Required

******Mulhern Family in need of assistance if possible******

As you know, Linda and Norna are off to India for a rare (ahem) holiday this month. They are due back on the 15th Feb (Linda's Birthday) around midday. Wee Al had intended to pick them up in Glasgow after a long journey home. Unfortunately his nasty bosses will not give him time off work. Sooooo is there anyone available in the Petrie posse that can assist?

Monday, 7 January 2008

New Look

As Jennifer Gemmell Said:
Hannahs version of the britney look
I obviously had to improvise, with what was in the room or in eye sight at the time. Not a bad attempt though =]

Moira's e-mail address

Can anybody provide me with Moira's e-mail address /

ta !


hey - a suggestion - we give up booze for lent and donate money to charittteeeeeeeee. Any one up for it?

Thursday, 3 January 2008

new start

Big D and I are planning a 2 week detox starting Monday. Will keep you all posted.
P.s. Its snowing!!!!!