Monday, 28 April 2008

new job!

in need of a new job

we went in today to be told that as of next week we no longer have fixed hours!
having none of that so looking for something with more stability

work is stupid!

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Relay for life

Hi Guys
we are putting a team together for this years relay. Its on 23/24th Aug at Dalgety Bay. If you want to join us let me know asap. I will need entry money soon £10.

Saturday, 19 April 2008


Bethan and granny here.

Grandad and mum (carol) have had some wine + wine
So you can tell what they are like now.

Granny doing the driving.

We all say hi!


Saturday, 12 April 2008

I Pretty Much Have A Fringe!!!!!

OMG not a proper one a short side one lol but still i have it lol
big step for hannah =]
I like it =]
Bethan has pretty hair too =]
She got her hair cut shorter

Thumbs up to the Smith Twins =]

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Andrew Swam!!

Andrew managed to swim (well float really) and jump in with arm bands on. He was really chuffed and big achievement as he doesnt even normally like getting his hair wet!!
J x

New Look ?!?

Is this a new design? Was that Miss Hannah?


Well, andy's dad was back in Leicester yesterday to meet with his surgeon. Everything went well with the operation and his back is healing well - the surgeon advised that the tumour they removed showed that he has lymphoma (which is cancer of the lymphatic system) and he will be referred to a haematologist to discuss treatment. It is most likely that this will be radiotherapy, given the local nature of the tumour. There are no secondary tumours and the orginal one hasn't spread so that's great news.

So, the focus is back on gaining strength in his legs and getting back to walking. He is having some trouble with his balance at the moment - his brain isn't talking so well to his ankles! But the physio (Stefan the scot!) is a genius apparently so all is looking well.

Still no idea when he will be home though.... as always, small steps!!

Monday, 7 April 2008

Hannah's Art

Please feel free to leave comments as it will help
I havn't finished then 100% but feedback always helps =]
Try not to be too mean lol

Saturday, 5 April 2008

I laughed! I cried!

We went to see Son of Rambow last night - it was ace! Thoroughly recommended by the petrie-scotherns