Thursday, 30 October 2008

Never mind Christmas

bring on the 20th!

i miss everyone!!

Booooo... sideswiped on a roundabout last night and my little car is all beat up! I'm fine (currently on hold with my insurers) and the guy who hit me is taking responsibility. My poor car though...

Saturday, 11 October 2008


How about we have a family christmas party at mums on 20th dec while moi and andi are here?

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Stupendous Show

How about those fantastic twins ? They were simply amazing !
They absolutely stole the show. No, I am not biased - well, not very !

Well done, girls.

Monday, 6 October 2008

Our friends the Petri's (Stu & Jill)

had a wee boy, Lucas, on Thursday....well not so wee - 9lb 1 and 60 cm long. Bit of a difficult birth but they are doing well and should have gotten home today. He is adorable.

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Fusion Show


The whole thing starts as of tomorrow (this is obviously not counting the many many rehersals lol) but i hope you all enjoy it and love me and bethan (: "the Twins"

Love you all Hope you are all well and happy (:


Saturday, 4 October 2008

What's up ?

Everybody seems to have gone very quiet for some time. Something we said ?

Wednesday, 1 October 2008


A little bird told me that I am having everybody for Christmas this year please let me know if this it true as I only have 10 weeks to get ready and at my age that takes a lot of prep

Luv you all
