Sunday, 30 November 2008

The Petrie Press Christmas Party

Hello All,
As the festive period is creeping on us again, can we try to confirm a date and time for the Petrie Press Christmas Party? Perhaps suggestions of who is bringing what food?


moira said...

well, the petrie-scotherns are working on the event taking place on saturday 20th dec at 2 duke street. I'm bringing a pudding (I think anne is too)

Jen said...

Do we have an ETA?

anniep said...

what i know thus far:
- sit down dinner
- anne and moira bringing pudding
- al and andi going to footie in Edin then heading over later - any one wanting to join them let us know
- I will head over early afternoon
- wiggly worms being played
- p had some other party games ideas

Some questions:
What are the plans for sleeping? We have an inflatable bed that we can bring.
We could order a mini bus taxi to get people to the Smiths?
Brunch the next day?
who is in charge of music?

lets have a good time and enjoy the festive period....woooohooooo


Hannah Smith said...

Moi want me and the sister to dance
but im not sure im up for that, but loving P's idea for games... twister anyone lol
