Friday, 15 February 2013


we're back from our short break. Fun was had by all and there were times where the cardigan was removed!  Not documented though ;)

The wee man had a fab time....

Unfortunately I can't ignore his love of bananas after he chowed down a bunch over there so I put on my big girl pants and bought some *shudder* and peel them *dry boak* and cut them up for him *a mother's love*.  Still it's better than biscuits #it'snot


Jen said...

What a wee smiler :-).
Glad you all had a good time. Not sure I beleive the lack of cardi, need phtographic evidence :-)

Hannah Smith said...

I had a banana yesterday! Whilst I was on my own blog :) Also the wee man looks so big now :O

anniep said...

E so loves bananas - now you can feed them to him too :-)