Saturday, 2 March 2013

flying visit

Hamish and I are keen to pop up and see y'all soon. We're thinking of flying, rather than driving. Probs end of march? Is there a car seat we could borrow while we're up there?


Dadnarg said...

Great photo.

Shouldn't be a problem at all with a car seat. Are you going to hire a car ?

moira said...

don't think so. Am going to get P to do all the driving ;)

anniep said...

we can get you on our insurance again if u want :-)

What size of car seat do you need?


moira said...

erm... stage 2? Anything will help x

Jen said...

Love the photo, great smile xx

Hannah Smith said...

I don't think i'll be home end of march NOOOOO!!!!!